
Bed Buddy Large Joint Wrap


Designed for relief of overexertion, strains, sprains, arthritis and carpal tunnel syndrome

Bed Buddy Cramp Relief Pack


The Bed Buddy? Cramp Relief Pack delivers incredible pain relief

Bed Buddy Back Wrap


Designed specifically for relief of nagging lower back pain, stomach cramps and leg, arm or shoulder aches and pains

Bed Buddy Body Wrap


Designed for treatment of neck, shoulder, arm, leg, knee and back pain

Memory Foam Lumbar Support Pillow


The Carex? Lumbar Support Cushion is ergonomically designed to provide excellent support to help relieve lower back pain and promote good posture

Back Magic Lumbar Extender


Backache from sitting in front of the computer the whole day? Tense muscles from golf, jogging or tennis? Back strain from doing daily housework? If you have chronic back pain, lower/upper back spasms and extreme back pain, the Back Magic will help relieve your back problems

Foot Massage Cone


The Porcupine Foot Massage Cone is for massaging the feet and other parts of the body

Therapist Thumb


The Therapist’s Thumb is specially designed to help you perform a better massage by increasing the pressure you can apply with your fingers

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