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Spearmint USA (Mentha spicata)


Spearmint is a hardy perennial herb that reaches about 1 meter in height

Sage Dalmatian Yugoslavia (Salvia officinalis)


An evergreen shrubby herb that grows up to 80 cms tall and a mass of deep blue or violet flowers

Rosemary Spanish (Rosmarinus officinalis)


Rosemary is one of the oldest plants used for food and medicine

Rosewood Brazilian (Aniba roseodora)


Rosewood is a tropical tree growing wild in the Amazon basin

Patchouli Javanese (Pogostemon cablin)


Patchouli oil is extracted via steam distillation from its leaves and flowers

Pepper Black Cochin (Piper nigrum)


The unripe, dried berries of the black pepper plant are steam distilled to produce the oil

Peppermint Australian (Mentha X. piperita)


A refreshing minty scent that is invigorating and cooling

Petitgrain Bigarade Paraguay (Citrus aurantium ssp. amara)


The difference between Petitgrain and Neroli oil is the part of the bitter orange tree that is distilled

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