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Sandalwood East Indian (Santalum album)


Sandalwood is one of the oldest known perfume materials

Sandalwood West Indian (Amyris balsamifera)


Amyris is also known as West Indian sandalwood, although unrelated to the true Indian sandalwood

Spearmint USA (Mentha spicata)


Spearmint is a hardy perennial herb that reaches about 1 meter in height

Rosemary Spanish (Rosmarinus officinalis)


Rosemary is one of the oldest plants used for food and medicine

Rosewood Brazilian (Aniba roseodora)


Rosewood is a tropical tree growing wild in the Amazon basin

Pepper Black Cochin (Piper nigrum)


The unripe, dried berries of the black pepper plant are steam distilled to produce the oil

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