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Nutmeg Javanese (Myristica fragrans)


The nutmeg tree is usually seven years old before it bears fruit, and after 30 years the quality is at it best

Neroli Bigarade France (Citrus aurantium ssp amara)


A tree with dark green leaves and fragrant white flowersThe Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantiumvar

Neroli Bigarade 3% Dilution


Pure Neroli dilution in pure jojoba oil

Myrtle Dalmation Yugoslavia (Myrtus communis)


Evergreen bush that can grow up to 4-5 metres high with glossy green leaves, white flowers and small deep blue berries

Myrrh France (Commiphora molmol)


This oil is thick and golden yellow in color with a sweet balsamic, earthy scent

Marjoram Spanish (Thymus mastichina)


Wild Marjoram (Thymus mastichina) comes mostly from Spain

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