Palmarosa Himalayan (Cymbopon martinii var. motia)


Palmarosa has a light, lovely floral aroma which is uplifting



Palmarosa has a light, lovely floral aroma which is uplifting.

It aids clarity of mind, lifts the mood and soothes the spirit. This helps us feel more secure with ourselves and lessens our need to cling to others. It also helps us let go of jealousy in relationships by opening us up to unconditional love, and it lifts the spirits.

Physically, palmarosa oil is great for the skin. It is a cell-regenerator, anti-inflammatory and hydrates the skin and is used successfully for acne, wrinkles, scar tissue, dry and sluggish skin, eczema and psoriasis. Use it with Lavender and other recommended oils as a rub or in a bath.

It makes a wonderful skin care oil when mixed with Sweet Almond Oil. It stimulates cellular regeneration and moisturises making it particularly good for mature skin care and acne.

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10 ml, 50 ml