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Neroli Bigarade France (Citrus aurantium ssp amara)


A tree with dark green leaves and fragrant white flowersThe Bitter Orange (Citrus aurantiumvar

Neroli Bigarade 3% Dilution


Pure Neroli dilution in pure jojoba oil

Myrtle Dalmation Yugoslavia (Myrtus communis)


Evergreen bush that can grow up to 4-5 metres high with glossy green leaves, white flowers and small deep blue berries

Myrrh France (Commiphora molmol)


This oil is thick and golden yellow in color with a sweet balsamic, earthy scent

Marjoram Spanish (Thymus mastichina)


Wild Marjoram (Thymus mastichina) comes mostly from Spain

May Chang China (Litsea Cubeba)


A tree, which grows up to 10 metres, with bright green, lance shaped leaves on slender branches which bear fluffy, white flowers and small, round, green fruit about the size of a peppercorn

Litsea Cubeba is sometimes called May Chang or Chinese pepper

Lavender French Alpine (Lavandula angustifolia)


Lavender, is one of the most popular oils in aromatherapy

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