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Lime Cold Pressed Mexico (Citrus aurantifolia)


Lime oil has a fresh, zesty scent that is refreshing and uplifting, making it helpful for depression, anxiety, lethargy, and a tired mind

Eucalyptus Australiana (Eucalyptus radiata ssp. radiata)


The leaves and mature branches of the eucalyptus tree are steamed distilled to produce the oil

Juniperberry Himalayan (Juniperus communis)


The berries from the juniper shrub are steam distilled to produce the essential oil

Jasmine Egyptian 3% Dilution


Pure Jasmine dilution in pure jojoba oil

Geranium Egyptian (Pelargonium graveolens)


Geranium has a fresh, sweet, green, rose-like scent and is extracted via steam distillation of its leaves and/or flowering plant

Ginger Cochin (Zingiber officinalis)


Its spicy, warm aroma is grounding, aids memory, sharpens the senses, and eases nervous exhaustion and tiredness

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