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Saddle Stool
A common problem with sitting in a conventional work-chair is that the lumbar discs are being stressed and over time damaged, because the natural S-shape of the spine is not maintained
Sage Dalmatian Yugoslavia (Salvia officinalis)
An evergreen shrubby herb that grows up to 80 cms tall and a mass of deep blue or violet flowers
Salon Stool – Short
A shorter stool with wheels for use in Reflexology and Pedicure treatments Available in Black
Sandalwood East Indian (Santalum album)
Sandalwood is one of the oldest known perfume materials
Sandalwood West Indian (Amyris balsamifera)
Amyris is also known as West Indian sandalwood, although unrelated to the true Indian sandalwood
Scalp Massager
The Scalp Massager will send tingling sensations from scalp to toes and transport you to a more relaxing place! The custom fit fingers will bend to fit your head
Seaweed Body Wrap
A Natural body wrap made from fresh seaweed from the Atlantic Ocean