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Rosehip Red Massage Oil


This premium oil pressed off the Rosehip seed contains an amazing 77% of fatty acids

Rosemary Spanish (Rosmarinus officinalis)


Rosemary is one of the oldest plants used for food and medicine

Rosewood Brazilian (Aniba roseodora)


Rosewood is a tropical tree growing wild in the Amazon basin

Saddle Stool


A common problem with sitting in a conventional work-chair is that the lumbar discs are being stressed and over time damaged, because the natural S-shape of the spine is not maintained

Sage Dalmatian Yugoslavia (Salvia officinalis)


An evergreen shrubby herb that grows up to 80 cms tall and a mass of deep blue or violet flowers

Salon Stool


A stool with castors for you to roll around

Salon Stool – Short


A shorter stool with castors for you to roll around

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