
essential oils & spa treatment

Frankincense West Indies (Boswellia ssp.)


Frankincense oil is steam distilled from the resin found in its bark

Pepper Black Cochin (Piper nigrum)


The unripe, dried berries of the black pepper plant are steam distilled to produce the oil

Thyme Red Spanish (Thymus vulgaris)


Thyme is derived via the steam distillation of the flowering herb

Rosewood Brazilian (Aniba roseodora)


Rosewood is a tropical tree growing wild in the Amazon basin

Standard Slant Tweezer


The Best Tweezer in the world by La Vaque

Pointed Tweezer


Professional Pointed Tweezer by La Vaque, designed for removing difficult problems like ingrown hair, splinters, stubborn blackheads

German Arnica Massage Oil


Properties: Reduce Inflammation, soothe muscle ache, treat sprains, bruises, tendon strains

Carrot Root Massage Oil


Properties: Good for dry skin, hair and scalp

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