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Peppermint Australian (Mentha X. piperita)


A refreshing minty scent that is invigorating and cooling

Petitgrain Bigarade Paraguay (Citrus aurantium ssp. amara)


The difference between Petitgrain and Neroli oil is the part of the bitter orange tree that is distilled

Pine Needle Austrian (Pinus Nigra)


A tree with long, stiff needles growing in pairs

Orange Bitter Brazil (Citrus aurantium ssp amara)


A tree with hardy branches and beautiful white flowers

Orange Valencia (Citrus sinensis)


Sweet and refreshing, just like the fruit

Palmarosa Himalayan (Cymbopon martinii var. motia)


Palmarosa has a light, lovely floral aroma which is uplifting

Parsley Seed France (Petroselinum crispum)


The parsley plant is very nutritious in vitamins A and C

Niaouli Pacific Islands (Melaleuca quinquenervia)


Niaouli oil is produced by the steam distillation of its leaves

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